Dear colleagues,
I hope you are well.
In this link you will find the resolution of the XVI Limnology Research Award. This has been the fifth call of our award with its new annual periodicity, in which the best doctoral thesis defended in 2024 has been selected. We would first like to thank the jury for their hard work in the evaluation process, without which this award would not be possible.
The prize has been awarded to Alberto ALONSO BLANCO for his thesis Functional consequences of biodiversity loss caused by emergent diseases in freshwater ecosystems, defended at the University of the Basque Country under the direction of Dr. Luz Boyero González & Dr. Jaime Bosch Pérez.
Congratulations to Alberto and his directors!
The jury wanted to highlight the very high level of all the theses presented, for which we would like to congratulate all the candidates for maintaining the quality of pre-doctoral research at such high standards.
The jury also decided to award two runners-up prizes to the theses of Diana SANTOS SIMOES GRAÇA, (Universidade de Minho) and Víctor OSORIO ÁLVAREZ (University of Barcelona).
Congratulations to both of you and to your directors!
A big hug,
Romina Álvarez Troncoso
Secretary of the Iberian Association of Limnology